Saturday, December 19, 2009

Nelson-Hatch Defeated in the Senate!

So it looks like the presence of 1,000 pro-choice activists DID have an impact on Capitol Hill! Nelson-Hatch was tabled in the Senate in a 54-45 vote. This amendment would have prohibited individuals receiving federal subsidies from buying private insurance plans that cover abortion and, would in effect ban the public option from covering abortion services altogether. It would also have allowed insurance plan administrators and those running the insurance exchanges to actively discriminate against insurance plans that offer abortion coverage.

As the health care reform bill moves to conference, it is important to keep the pressure on your Representatives and Senators to ensure that this type of harmful language is not present in the final bill. Please continue to contact Representative Langevin, Representative Kennedy, Senator Reed, and Senator Whitehouse. Let them know that while you appreciate their commitment to health care, it is important that women are not worse off after reform and with less benefits than they have now. If possible, contact Representative Kennedy and thank him for his dedication to women's right, despite continued harassment by Bishop Tobin.

Contact information for Rhode Island Senators/Representatives:

Representative Patrick Kennedy, 1st Congressional District

DC Office: (202) 225-4911
RI Office: (401) 729-5600

Representative Jim Langevin, 2nd Congressional District
DC Office: (202) 225-2735
RI Office: (401) 732-9400

Senator Jack Reed
DC Office: (202) 224-4642
RI Office: (401) 943-3100

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
DC Office: (202) 224-2921
RI Office: (401) 453-5294

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Representative Barbara Lee Tells It Like It is

Great video clip of Representative Barbara Lee (D, California, 9th district - Oakland) speaking out against Stupak.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Federal Lobby Day Update/Bishop Tobin on Hardball with Chris Matthews.

On Wednesday of last week, 2to1: The Coalition to Preserve Choice joined dozens of other groups (almost 1,000 people total!) in Washington, D.C., for a day of action and lobbying. Thank you thank you to our friends at Planned Parenthood of Southern New England for organizing a bus and letting me tag along. After an overnight bus ride, we had the opportunity to meet with Senator Reed's health staffer, Kate Mevis, Representative Jim Langevin and his health staffer Todd Adams, and Representative Patrick Kennedy and his health staffer Rachel Bisi. We will meet with Senator Whitehouse in the future if necessary. It was great to be in DC in the midst of the health care reform debate and be able to make contact with Rhode Island's Senators and Representatives in regards to keeping Stupak-like language out of the Senate bill.

One more thing..check out this video of Bishop Tobin attempting to defend himself and his attack on Patrick Kennedy.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Press Release Re: Stupak-Pitts Amendment

P.O. BOX 5863
PHONE (401) 461-8885

Press Release
Contact: Robin Dionne
Phone: (401) 461-8885 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
November 08, 2009


As a supporter of health care reform and an advocate for reproductive rights, 2to1: The Coalition to Preserve Choice is outraged by the passing of the harmful Stupak-Pitts amendment to HR3962. While we recognize the immediate need for health care reform, we are confident that it does not have to come at such a high cost to all women. We are truly disappointed that one of the anti-choice votes in support of this discriminatory amendment came from Rhode Island, a state where 51% of the population is female.

It is our hope that women will be better off after health care reform, rather than put in a worse situation with fewer health benefits than before. We believe in honest and equal treatment for women when it comes to health care, and we thank those, including Representative Patrick Kennedy, who are willing to stand up and support reproductive health openly.
We look forward to working in the future with legislators who consider the effects their votes have on women’s constitutional rights. Women’s reproductive choice has long been used as a bargaining chip in policy matters, and it is time for a change.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ocean State Action Dance Party!

From our friends at Ocean State Action:

Friday, November 13: Join us at the Rock the Boat for Justice Dance Party!

On Friday, November 13th, Ocean State Action will bring together friends and allies to celebrate our accomplishments, rededicate ourselves to "rocking the boat" in the Ocean State - and, most important, to dance! We will also honor the 30 participants in this fall's New Voices campaign leadership program. The event is from 7-11pm at Rosinha's, 999 Main Street in Pawtucket (the Hope Artiste Village).
Tickets for the event are $25. We are also seeking sponsors at the $100 (First Mate), $200 (Captain), and $500 (Admiral) level. You can donate by clicking here or by going to our cause page on Facebook or by sending a check to Ocean State Action, 99 Bald Hill Road, Cranston, RI 02920.

Dance to the Music of our Guest DJs:-Representatives Joe Almeida and Ray Sullivan-Pat Quinn and Camilo Viveiros (SEIU/RI Jobs with Justice)-Karen Malcolm and Tom Sgouros (departing OSA leaders)-Pat Crowley, Brian Hull, and Matt Jerzyk (progressive bloggers)-Teresa Tanzi and Hannah Watson (RI NOW/American Medical Students)-David St. Germain and Nancy St. Germain (Healthcare activists)-Annie Costner and Ben Jones (environmental allies)

Join Our Growing List of Rock the Boat Sponsors (Call 463-5368 to sponsor)

Admirals: United Nurses & Allied Professionals

Captains: U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy * U.S. Rep. James Langevin * Mayor David Cicilline * Rep. David Segal * AFSCME Council 94 * District 1199 – SEIU * Lisa Guillette * Gursky Law Associates * * Susan Sweet * Tom Sgouros

First Mates: Sen. Frank Ciccone *Sen. Paul Jabour * Sen. Charles Levesque * Sen. Josh Miller * Sen. Rhoda Perry * Sen. Juan Pichardo * Rep. Edith Ajello * Rep. Frank Ferri & Tony Caparco * Rep. Chris Fierro * Rep. Art Handy * Rep. Edwin Pacheco * Rep. Amy Rice * Rep. Michael Rice * Rep. Deb Ruggiero * Rep. Anastasia Williams * Hon. Luis Aponte * Hon. Terrence Hassett * Hon. John Lombardi * Donna Becotte * Campaign Finance Officers/Brett Smiley *Josie Campbell * Chris Currie * DeLuca & Weizenbaum, Ltd. * Susan Feeley * Graduate Assistants United-URI * Chris Koller & Colette Cook * Kathy Kushnir * Phillip Koutsogiane * Becky Minard & Max Kohlenberg * NASW-RI Chapter * Craig O’Connor & Lauren Goddard * Planned Parenthood of Southern New England * Providence Teachers Union * RI Federation of Teachers * Marti Rosenberg * Teresa Tanzi * United Service and Allied Workers

Friday, November 6, 2009

Abortion and Health Care Reform.

Bart Stupak is willing to undermine health-care reform—blocking the landmark bill from even coming to a vote—in order to impose an abortion ban on women in the reformed health system. His proposal would take away coverage from women who already have it. Watch this video, and then click here to fill out the form that will allow Naral to contact your member of Congress.

Friday, October 30, 2009

10 Reasons Abortion Must Be Covered By Health Insurance

From Salon.

1. Abortion is legal medical care. "Abortion is a legal right, and it takes medical care to exercise that right," says Judy Waxman, vice-president of health and reproductive rights at the National Women's Law Center. (For their healthcare reform campaign, click here.) The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists also chimes in here (PDF).

2. Abortion is common, mainstream medical care. It is one of the most common surgical procedures in America.

3. Abortion is already broadly covered. Between 50 and 85 percent of women who have private insurance, including employer-sponsored plans, have coverage for abortion care.

4. Covering abortion does not raise the abortion rate. As Gloria Feldt points out, "Countries like France, Germany and the Netherlands routinely cover abortion in their national health plans, and have some of the lowest abortion rates in the world."

5. Covering abortion makes abortion safer. Out of pocket, abortion can be expensive, all the more so as the pregnancy progresses. Yet women who take time to "save up" only wind up paying more -- and taking more risk. Feldt: "When abortion is covered, women who choose abortion do so earlier in their pregnancy, and with less risk to their health." Seventy-five thousand women die each year worldwide -- and many times that suffer lifelong disability -- due to unsafe abortions, usually obtained where abortion is illegal or highly restricted. "These are public health issues that also have economic ramifications beyond the cost of abortion," says Jodi Jacobson, senior political editor of RH Reality Check.

6. Covering abortion is what the people want. According to a recent poll by the Mellman Group, voters oppose reform that would prohibit insurance companies from covering abortion. The only subgroup of voters in which a majority favors such a restriction are established antiabortion voters. But even among them, 39 percent oppose restrictions on abortion coverage.

7. Excluding abortion from coverage sends us down a slippery "moral" slope. "Government policies that are based on the theory that private policyholders should not be forced to see their premiums used to cover things they consider immoral would result in a return to the days when contraception was not covered in individual plans for unmarried women and pregnancy was excluded in individual insurance plans and only covered in 'family plans,'" Frances Kissling told Broadsheet, recalling that this was the case when she entered the insurance market. Should people who oppose sex outside of marriage determine who gets covered for childbirth? By the same argument, we could also -- for example -- exclude coverage for HIV and AIDS if contracted through homosexual conduct." To which Katha Pollitt adds: "That many people disapprove of abortion is irrelevant. In a democracy, every citizen sees their tax dollars go for things they think are wrong."

8. And about that "elective" business. Kissling: "Let's have insurance companies hold an annual poll of subscribers and decide on a majority basis what gets covered. Let's especially ask if they want their premiums to pay for obesity-related diseases, smoking-related diseases, STDs, neonatal intensive care where the life expectancy is less than 5 percent and put a cap on care for people over 80."

9. Without coverage, there is no "choice." Sex -- a natural human drive for most -- entails risks. Even with the best prevention measures, there will be unintended pregnancies. Jacobson: "Women must be able to make the choice of whether or not to bear children because unintended pregnancy entails emotional, financial and psychic costs that will be borne only or largely by the woman."

10. Megan Carpentier, former Jezebel writer and current editor of News and Politics of Air America Radio, sums it up thusly: "Why should abortion be covered? Because sometimes abortion is medically necessary, and the government shouldn't be writing regulations from Washington that tell a woman in Kansas when that is. Because exempting cases of rape and incest, as the Hyde Amendment does, means that women who are victims of rape and incest don't get the coverage they're supposed to have anyway, because there's no way to police whether their pregnancies are the result of government-approved circumstances. Because there's no actual government money that's going to get spent on the so-called public option, so it's a question of whether you, with your own money, can get insurance that covers what you choose to have it cover. And because eliminating coverage that currently exists through federal law is just another back-door way for the antiabortion movement to make it more difficult and expensive for women to get a legal medical procedure, since they can't convince women not to have abortions on the 'merits' of their arguments."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

From our friends at DayOne.

Please take a few minutes and make this call.

As always, 2to1 is in need of volunteer clinic escorts on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 7:00-10:30 am, at Women's Medical Center at 1725 Broad St, Cranston, RI 02905.
If you are interested and available during these times, please email me at and I will send you the escort guidelines, application, and privacy policy.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Info on Health Care Forums from our Friends at Ocean State Action

Please take a moment to read the following information regarding the Town Hall Meetings and health care reform from our friends at Ocean State Action. There is more information and a petition that you can sign on their website. I attended the Town Hall Meeting hosted by Jim Langevin last night, and I can assure you that the presence of pro-choice progressive citizens would be much appreciated. The RI Right to Life was there last night, and will likely make an appearance tonight. If you would like to meet me there or have any questions, please email me ( and I will respond from my phone immediately.

Come to a Town Hall Meeting this week with Senator Whitehouse or Representative Langevin to show your support for health care reform!

Congress is working on health care reform legislation that would limit the cost of care for everyone, and make sure we all have health insurance we can count on for fair, continuous coverage. While Congress is on vacation, our nation's elected officials are hosting Town Hall Meetings across the country to talk with constituents about the need for real reform, and what it should look like. This week, Senator Whitehouse and Representative Langevin are hosting Town Halls in Rhode Island, and we encourage you to attend to show your support for health care reform. Representative Langevin is hosting a Town Hall Meeting this Wednesday the 19th in Warwick at 6pm at Warwick City Hall (3725 Post Road)Senator Whitehouse is hosting a Community Dinner this Thursday the 20th in West Warwick at 5:30pm at the West Warwick Senior Center (145 Washington Street) Sign up here to attend either, or both, of these Town Halls.

Opponents of health care reform are trying to pack the rooms at Town Halls and drown out the voices of supporters of health care reform. This is why it is so important you attend to make sure our elected officials hear us: we need health care reform, and we need it now! We encourage you to get there as early as you can to ensure you get in. We recommend trying to be there 30 minutes before the Town Hall is scheduled to begin.

We're also looking for volunteers this Saturday the 22nd to hand out information about health care reform at Back-to-School celebrations across the state, which you can also sign up to do here. It's up to us to make the most of this historic opportunity to win health care reform that will lower costs, ensure quality care, provide a choice of a private or public insurance plan, and provide equal access to quality care.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Healthcare Reform Myths and Facts Regarding Abortion/ Abortion Pill Approved In Italy

Maybe this will clear things up a little.

1. MYTH: Health care reform would result in the greatest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade.
REALITY: Currently, the majority of plans already cover basic reproductive health care, including abortion care. In fact, more than 86 percent of employer-based insurance plans cover abortion care. That's why anti-choice groups are working so hard to strip reproductive health from health care reform — in order to strip women of coverage they currently have.

2. MYTH: Taxpayer money would be used to pay for abortions in the public plan.
REALITY: Opponents of reproductive health care are trying to confuse people into thinking that the public plan is a government-funded health plan like Medicaid or Medicare — it is not. The public health insurance plan would operate like any private insurance plan would. It would be funded and paid for by private individual premiums, in the same way a private insurance plan is. Therefore, there is no reason to treat any coverage issue, including abortion coverage, differently in the public health insurance plan than in private plans.

3. MYTH: Health care reform will "mandate" abortion coverage.
REALITY: Nothing in any of the current health care reform bills mandates abortion coverage — or any other type of health care service. Opponents of women's health and health care reform are trying to hijack health care reform to push for unprecedented prohibitions on abortion coverage in the private marketplace

From the Feminist Majority Foundation:

Medical Abortion Pill Mifepristone Approved in Italy

The Italian Pharmaceuticals Agency (AIFA) has approved mifepristone, also known as RU-486, for use through the seventh week of pregnancy. Last week's ruling stipulates that the drug can be administered by doctors in a hospital but can not be sold in pharmacies, according to the BBC. As the host country of the Vatican, Italy has long faced an especially contentious abortion debate. The Roman Catholic Church denounced AIFA's decision. Monsignor Elio Sgreccia, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Academy for Life, announced, "There will be excommunication for the doctor, the woman, and anyone who encourages [mifepristone's] use," reports Reuters. Accessibility of mifepristone remains unclear because about 70 percent of Italian doctors are "conscientious objectors" who will not provide abortion services, according to the health ministry.AIFA acknowledged the debate surrounding abortion in its report, noting that "the task of protecting the well-being of citizens...must take precedence over personal convictions," reports the AP. Mifepristone has been available on a limited, experimental basis in Italy since 2006, according to the Associated Press. Surgical abortion through the end of the first trimester, and in limited cases through 24 weeks of pregnancy, has been legal in Italy since 1978.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Thank you to Emily's List for this great image.

Monday, August 3, 2009

NOW Outraged at House Vote on Abortion Coverage; Sonya Sotomayor on Roe; Buffer Zone Upheld in MA!!!!

NOW: Women's Rights Traded Away -- July 31, 2009

NOW is outraged to learn that the House Energy and Commerce Committee passed an amendment excluding abortion services from the "essential" health benefits package as defined by the government. Under this amendment, subsidies used to help pay insurance premiums for low-income people could not be used for abortion services. The New York Times reports that "insurers must use money from private sources to pay for any abortions.""Reproductive health care is a fundamental right. Any health care plan that does not cover the full range of reproductive services, including abortion, discriminates against women," said NOW President Terry O'Neill. "Once again, our representatives are giving in to the right wing by trading away women's rights. Well, I have a message for them, our reproductive rights are not theirs to give away."O'Neill noted that a majority of voters support coverage for abortion services, with only about a quarter opposed to using tax dollars to pay for abortion. In addition, a recent study found that most people in the U.S. with employer-based insurance currently have coverage for abortion. "Don't low-income people deserve the same level of coverage as other people in this country?" asked O'Neill. "Our lawmakers should be ashamed of themselves for perpetuating class-based and gender-based biases as they attempt to 'reform' our broken health care system."

Sonya Sotomayor says Roe is settled law..let's hope she means it.

In other amazing news, the 35 foot buffer zone law was upheld in nearby MA. This buffer zone was established in 2007 to ensure safe access to clinics and protect women and staff from harassment.

July 13, 2009

Law Protecting Clinic Buffer Zone Upheld
The US 1st Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Massachusetts law on Friday, allowing a 35-foot safety buffer zone between protestors and abortion clinic entrances. The law, established in 2007, protects clinic patients and staff from harassment.

Five anti-choice protesters originally filed the lawsuit on the grounds that the safety zones violate their right to free speech. In 2008, US District Judge Joseph Tauro rejected their request and they filed the most recent appeal.

The Massachusetts Appeals Court ruled that the law does not infringe on protestors' free speech rights and applies to all protestors no matter their viewpoint. The law is described as "content-neutral," reported the Boston Globe. The ruling also stated that the law "represents a permissible response by the Massachusetts Legislature to what it reasonably perceived as a significant threat to public safety."

"For too long, patients and staff had to endure in-your-face screaming and harassment just to get to doctor's appointments," Angus McQuilken, vice president of public affairs for the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, told the Boston Globe in 2008 after the original suit was filed. "This 35-foot zone is more than reasonable."

Media Resources: Boston Globe 2/21/08, 7/10/09; Feminist Daily Newswire 2/26/08

Friday, July 31, 2009

Info on medical abortion in the US from AP News.

Abortion pill used in a quarter of US abortions

Roughly a fourth of American women getting early abortions last year did so with drugs rather than surgery, statistics show, as a new study reported improved safety in using the so-called "abortion pill."
Some experts predict the percentage of such "medical abortions," which offer more privacy than surgical termination at an abortion clinic or hospital, will rise even more due to the new study.
The research, done at Planned Parenthood clinics across the country, shows that a new way of giving pills to induce abortion virtually eliminated the risk for a rare but dangerous infection.
"This is the first really huge documentation of how safe and effective medical abortion is," said Dr. Beverly Winikoff, a professor of family health and population at Columbia University. "The technology is very good and very well used in this country, and probably will be used more and more."
Two pills are used to induce an abortion. The primary drug, Mifeprex, was first approved in the U.S. in 2000. Use has risen steadily, even though manufacturer Danco Laboratories LLC of New York hasn't promoted it and the drug can only be obtained at a clinic or doctor's office, not through a pharmacy. Sales rose 16.5 percent last year, when about 184,000 American women used Mifeprex.
Medical abortions now account for about a quarter of early abortions, according to company spokeswoman Abby Long. At Planned Parenthood, the biggest provider of medical abortions, they amount to 32 percent of early terminations.
The group's study analyzed medical abortions at Planned Parenthood centers between 2005 and mid-2008 - about 228,000 cases. It found the abortion pill was about 98.5 percent effective and that changes in how the drugs were given reduced risk of a serious infection from barely 1 in 1,000 cases to 0.06 in 1,000.
The results are reported in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine.
The procedure, which works during the first nine weeks of pregnancy, involves swallowing Mifeprex, known chemically as mifepristone, at a doctor's office. Originally known as RU-486, the pill causes an embryo to detach from the uterine wall. A second pill, misoprostol, is used 24 to 48 hours later to cause contractions and push the embryo out of the uterus.
These drugs are different from Plan B, which is taken within a couple days of contraceptive failure or unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy from occurring.
Originally, the procedure involved inserting the misoprostol pill into the vagina where the medicine was absorbed. But by the end of 2005, four American women and one Canadian had died of a rare bacterial infection afterward, spurring concern among providers and criticism by abortion opponents.
So in April 2006, Planned Parenthood told its 300 clinics offering the procedure to instead have patients put the misoprostol pill in their mouth and let it dissolve.
Some clinics also began providing a week's course of antibiotics to avoid infection; the others tested women and treated any with sexually transmitted diseases. In 2008, all the clinics started giving patients antibiotics.
"We decided we needed to make a safe procedure even safer," said the study's lead researcher, nurse practitioner Mary Fjerstad.
By the study's last six months, serious infections had declined to one-16th of the original rate.
"I think that providers are going to be pretty impressed with the data," said Dr. Beth Jordan, medical director of the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, which plans to highlight the findings to doctors, nurse practitioners and pharmacists at its annual meeting in September.
Given that 87 percent of U.S. counties have no abortion provider, Jordan said the findings might encourage some primary care doctors to offer abortion using the pills.
"But I don't think it's going to open the floodgates," she said.
In October, the National Abortion Federation, representing 400 centers that provide more than half of abortions in the U.S. and Canada, will review the findings and decide whether to make changes accordingly. Federation President Vicki Saporta said current guidelines allow putting misoprostol in the cheek to dissolve, swallowing it, or inserting it in the vagina, which more than a third of her member clinics do.
Saporta said abortion opponents "have been misleading people into thinking that medical abortion is unsafe," but the study proves the procedure is safe. The cost is $400, only slightly less than the median cost for an early term surgical abortion.
Since approval in 2000, there have been six deaths from sepsis, a bloodstream infection, among the more than 1.1 million American women who have used Mifeprex, most recently one in July 2007. That's a death rate of less than 1 in 167,000, according to the maker, and less than 0.1 percent of patients have needed transfusions.
Misoprostol, which is officially approved in the U.S. for preventing stomach ulcers, is sold under the brand name Cytotec and made by Pfizer Inc.
Winikoff and Saporta both raised concerns about giving a full course of antibiotic treatment to all women to prevent very few infections - unlike the brief preventive dose given with surgical abortions. They said that could trigger a rare allergic reaction, add to the problem of antibiotic resistance and add to the cost of the procedure - making it unaffordable in developing countries.
Chris Gacek, a senior fellow at the anti-abortion Family Research Council, said he wasn't surprised by the increasing use of Mifeprex.
"I don't think at this point we're going to do anything" to try to limit its use, he said. "It's hard to know whether this increases the (total) number of abortions."
On the Net:
Mifeprex site:

Monday, July 20, 2009

So much to say, so little time!

Hi friends,

Sorry for the long delay in updating this here blog of ours! Lately I feel like I am three days behind at living my own life. Laundry is piling up, magazines are unread, and I can't seem to get enough sleep.

This video features Senator Tom Coburn at the confirmation hearings of Sonya Sotomayor, making a blatantly false statement about abortion in the US versus abortion in the rest of the world.

Follow this link to the actual facts about abortion in the US and elsewhere. The World's Abortion Laws, from The Center for Reproductive Rights

As if this were not enough, the confirmation hearings of Sonya Sotomayor were also interrupted by anti-choice protesters. It is sort of hard to make out what they are saying, but check out the video if you are interested.

This is a video montage of disparaging sexist/racist comments/clips about Sotomayor compiled by The Women's Media Center. Some of these are so incredibly awful that I can't believe it. See what you think.

More from us soon, including information on the incredibly harmful proposed merger between Landmark Medical Center in Woonsocket and the already financially unstable Caritas Christi HealthCare, a Massachusetts-based Catholic healthcare system that prefers to place religion above providing their patients with comprehensive healthcare choices. If this merger occurs, the effects on people of low-income status in Rhode Island will be widespread, as it is likely that Thundermist Health Center of Woonsocket will no longer be allowed to maintain contracts with Landmark for family planning and sterilization. Tubal ligation will no longer be an option for women choosing this hospital, even those patients who request one at the time of a C-section. Thundermist Health Center, a private non-profit community health center, is the second largest primary healthcare provider in Northern Rhode Island. This merger may also have an effect on STD/HIV testing availability, employee health insurance benefits, surgical referrals, etc.

As always, we are in need of volunteer clinic escorts at Women's Medical Center at 1725 Broad Street in Cranston, on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 7:00 am - 10:30 am or so. Please get in touch ( if you have some free time or if you need to fulfill your community service requirements!


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Good news in Cranston, bad news in Arizona.

Thank you to our amazing clinic escorts who worked at Women's Medical Center over the weekend, especially the one who drove from NARRAGANSETT to help us out! Today, we witnessed something amazing: full support from the Cranston Police Department. We were able to have the over-sized signs removed (Cranston has a 3x3 sign ordinance, these were larger than five feet across), and it was made very clear to the protesters that their signs should no longer be attached to trees, telephone poles, or other public property. If you escort and and they are violating this ordinance, please call the Cranston police and inform clinic staff and the security guard that you are doing so.

Unfortunately, we have bad news to report in regards to reproductive choice in Arizona. On Tuesday, the Arizona Senate voted 16-12 to pass an anti-choice bill that would require a 24-hour waiting period (Arizona House Bill 2564) for women seeking to obtain an abortion. HB2564 would require physicians to inform patients, via state-scripted materials/pamphlets, of "all known risks and alternatives" to abortion. This bill would also allow pharmacists, doctors, and other medical professionals to refuse to participate in an abortion or dispense emergency contraception. Additionally, an amendment was made to a 2003 bill that required written parental consent for minors - a notarized statement of permission from the parents/guardians would be required if these were to pass. The other bill (Arizona House Bill 2400) would impose more serious penalties (two years in prison or a fine) for any physician practicing late-term abortion. These were both passed by the House in March 2009. As you may know, Arizona's Governor, Jan Brewer, is very anti-choice, and it is likely that she will sign these bills into law. Follow the link for even more horrible details.

A 24-hour waiting period requires a woman to make an additional trip to a clinic for a state-mandated counseling session, although clinics regularly provide women with counseling during their appointment anyway. An additional appointment caused by a 24-hour waiting period would be a financial burden to many women, as they may not be able to take another day off of work, obtain and pay for childcare, or make the appropriate travel arrangements. In states like Mississippi, where there is only one clinic left, this makes access to reproductive choice incredibly difficult. As clinics are busy, it will likely be difficult for them to accommodate all of these additional appointments and will cause women to either have to seek later abortions or lose the ability to make a choice altogether.

The 24-hour waiting period bill in RI (House Bill 5334, heard in front of Health Education and Welfare Committee) was "held for further study" again this year. The RI bill would have required the state to pay for paper materials and a website (which would be monitored DAILY!) to be bought or created, both listening abortion alternatives and risks, as well as whatever else they feel like including... This bill would have required clinics to distribute these materials to patients or be faced with serious penalties.

The idea that women need an additional appointment to receive a state-mandated lecture and then some time to "go home and think about it" before making a very personal decision is an insult. Bills such as this one are a direct attack on women who are of low-income status and those who are uninsured. If choice cannot be accessed, choice does not exist.

Friday, June 26, 2009

In case you missed it.. is our press releaser regarding the killing of Kansas physician George Tiller.

2to1: The Coalition to Preserve Choice is shocked and saddened by the May 31 murder of Kansas physician George Tiller, who was shot this morning as he attended church with his wife. We condemn this violent act, as it is contrary to everything in which we members of the pro-choice community believe.

The killing of Dr. Tiller is yet another example of just how far some opponents of abortion and reproductive rights will go to deny women their constitutional right to choose. 2to1 is sure that this violent action will serve to redouble and energize the commitment of pro-choice activists across the country to ensure that women will always have access to a safe and legal abortion. The freedom to choose is under attack, whether it comes in the form of harmful legislation that makes abortion access more difficult, clinic violence, or assault on abortion practitioners. Dr. Tiller's death must not be seen as a victory to the anti-choice community, as murder is not a legitimate or lawful way to promote a political agenda.

Dr. Tiller was a man who dedicated his life to providing quality reproductive health care to women, although he had been the victim of anti-choice threats and violence over the past two decades, including a clinic bombing and a previous shooting. We expect that the perpetrator will be convicted and that this outrageous act will be punished to the full extent of the law.

It is with great respect and sadness that we join the pro-choice community in remembering Dr. Tiller's life and his many contributions to women's reproductive health care. His death is a loss for women across America. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his wife, children and grandchildren, who long supported his courageous decision to keep his clinic doors open despite continued threats and vandalism.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

At last!

2to1: The Coalition to Preserve Choice is moving up in the world! In addition to this shiny new blog, we also have a Facebook page. Please become a fan. I know, I know. We're a little late to the pro-choice party on the internet, but we're here. Tell your pals to become a follower on this blog.

As always, we are in need of volunteer clinic escorts at the Women's Medical Center in Cranston. Escort shifts are Weds/Fri/Sat from 7:00-10:00 or so. Volunteer clinic escorts assist patients and staff safely into the clinic and are a vital part of the choice community in RI. For more information, email me at

If you were wondering what Richard Nixon thought about abortion..

On Nixon Tapes, Ambivalence Over Abortion, Not Watergate